As the weather cools and the turkey’s come out in the Great White North, many Just Vertical growers are starting their gardens back up so they can have free access to fresh and flavourful herbs, leafy greens, and veggies all winter long.
But for folks without an indoor garden, the winter months often means the end of the growing season. What a bummer!
In light of that, and also In celebration of Thanksgiving, we’ve put together our top 3 reasons why Canadian Thanksgiving (or the plain old start of October for our American friends) is the perfect time to start growing indoors in your indoor garden.
Reason 1: The Growing Season Is Coming To An End (If It Hasn’t Finished Already)
For many it feels like summer ends before it even starts. The further north you get, the shorter the season. And that means less time to cook with all the amazing, flavourful, and fresh produce that you’ve grown in your garden in the summer.
In fact, did you know that in USDA Growing Zone 3 (hello Edmonton and Winnipeg), their growing season is only 76 days. You read that right - 76 days! Check out our handy table below to know how long your growing season is.
Zone |
USDA Zone 3 |
Major Cities: Fort McMurray (3), Edmonton (3), Winnipeg (3) First Frost Date: September 15th Last Frost Date: June 30th Indoor Grow Season: 289 days |
USDA Zone 4 |
Major Cities: Ottawa (5), Montreal (6), Fredricton (5), Prince George (4), Calgary (4) First Frost Date: September 25th Last Frost Date: June 15th Indoor Grow Season: 264 days |
USDA Zone 5 |
Major Cities: Toronto (6), Barrie (5), Albany, Denver, Indianapolis First Frost Date: October 10th Last Frost Date: May 25th Indoor Grow Season: 228 days |
USDA Zone 6 |
Major Cities: Chicago, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Cleveland, Detroit, Boston, St Louis First Frost Date: October 20th Last Frost Date: May 15th Indoor Grow Season: 208 days |
USDA Zone 7 |
Major Cities: Nashville, New York City, Charlotte, Atlantic City First Frost Date: November 1st Last Frost Date: April 25th Indoor Grow Season: 176 days |
Why not extend the growing season? Indoor gardens are designed to last year-round. The only thing they rely on is a power outlet and a bit of a can do attitude.
Fresh, Flavourful Produce All Winter Long
One of the best parts of summer is cooking with fresh, flavourful produce picked straight from your own garden. Does anything taste better than a home-cooked batch of pasta sauce made with ripe tomatoes and finished with freshly picked basil? Or the tacos you made on an endless Tuesday afternoon in mid-July topped with fresh lettuce and cilantro?
Well, we’ve got some good news for you, friend. The end of summer doesn’t have to signal the end of you cooking food that Gordon Ramsey would be proud of. Or Guy Fiery, depending on your speed.
With an indoor garden, whipping up those tacos and tomato sauces topped with basil in the winter is a breeze. Maybe you can even impress your friends with beef or veggie burgers made with lettuce picked straight from your AEVA or EVE? We know Guy would be proud!
Our planet doesn’t take a break for winter
As the weather cools, it becomes harder and harder to find fresh, local produce. Whether it’s purchased from the local market or freshly grown in your garden, the winter months signal the end of easy-to-access herbs, veggies, and leafy greens.
The knock-on effects of that on our planet are substantial. Food needs to travel further to get to your grocery store. More pesticides are used to keep that food fresh. Locales where that food is grown are not always well–suited (despite our best efforts) to food being grown all-year, straining water supplies and accelerating land degradation.
With an indoor garden, we reduce our reliance on traditional agriculture. With that, we reduce our reliance on food travel miles, pesticides, and out-of-season, dull, flavourless produce. By growing fresh food indoors, you’re helping your wallet, your cooking, and your planet.
Let’s Get Growing
Having access to fresh, flavourful produce shouldn’t be a privilege. With an indoor garden, you can grow year-round and be able to cook and consume amazing tasting food in your own home. Learn more about our AEVA & EVE by clicking the links of each name.